Center Institute

Because being a great therapist isn't enough to build an awesome practice.
Because being a great therapist
isn't enough to build an awesome practice.
Sign-up Client Access

Answer these questions to help Evan know if Center Institute and her coaching could be a good fit for you.

First Name

Last Name

How did you hear about Center Institute?

What is your private practice like right now?

What would your ideal private practice be like?

(i.e. not what is “realistic,” but what you’d really love to have).

What are your top three goals?

(i.e. personally, professionally, and financially)

What was your experience/ with whom did you work?

The business coaching programs Center Institute offers are based on tried and true strategic planning, financial management and marketing practices. Your coaching program will be customized to provide you with the tools and the support you need to create a practice that allows you to take more paid vacations, see your ideal clients, and bust through your income goals. Coaching with Evan typically involves an investment of time ranging from 3-9 months and a financial investment of several thousand dollars. Are you ready for this investment to build your ideal practice?