Center Institute

Because being a great therapist isn't enough to build an awesome practice.
Because being a great therapist
isn't enough to build an awesome practice.
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Exclusive content for my email list subscribers

I am super excited. I have been offering coaching/consulting to therapists for a few years now, and I have been sending out a newsletter/blogging for about the same amount of time. But I just created something new – a way to share exclusive content FOR FREE with my loyal email list subscribers, my Center Institute Community.

And so we begin today. If you missed the Blab I did last week with Carlos on how to make a great impression with your homepage, then you can get it below. Alas, Carlos forgot to hit record right off the bat, but all you really missed was me sharing that I had spent the whole day skiing with my daughter and was sitting at the computer, in my dining room, wearing a work blouse and my long-johns and slippers. I’m keeping it real here in Montana. I think I made Carlos blush.

Use your Center Institute Community video password to view it.
(Subscribers: check your inbox for the newsletter with the password).

Looking for the password? The same password gives you access to all of the exclusive video content for the Center Institute community. Join in here.

We’ll also bring you updates via our newsletter, but we’ll never sell or share your info.

Talk soon,

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