Center Institute

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A Secure Base [video]

When I work with therapists, I find myself talking about making sure that all structures, choices, and policies go back to and are aligned with therapeutic principles and come from a place of intention.

Have you read A Secure Base by John Bowlby? It stuck with me. The idea of creating a container, a secure base, resonated with me—and the concept applies to what we create for our clients. It makes sense that structure and predictability could create the safety necessary for deep work to occur in the therapeutic relationship, not just in the family.

Years ago, when I began thinking about how to structure my practice differently, this concept came to mind. And really, if we look at how practices are typically run, there is not that container. In a typical practice, predictability doesn’t exist for the client or the clinician, but I argue that it can.

Check out my recent video about creating a container for our clients (and for ourselves).

Also, I want to let you know that I am in D.C. this Thursday through Sunday at the Psychotherapy Networker Symposium. I have a booth (#404). Please come find me there or check out my schedule (posted at my booth) and find me in a workshop. I’d love to meet you.

See you soon,

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