Center Institute

Because being a great therapist isn't enough to build an awesome practice.
Because being a great therapist
isn't enough to build an awesome practice.
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I love this part…

In the last week, I’ve been spending time doing one of the things I love the most: meeting new people who’ve made counseling their life’s work, and talking with them about their practice and–this is what I really love–their dreams for what their practice could be: for their clients, and for themselves (and, at times, reminding them that it should and can be about both). Each of you who I’ve already spoken with have your own unique “why” (you’re starting a family, supporting a parent, building a new life in a new place, making time for a secondary venture, etc.). Ultimately, everyone I’ve spoken with knows, on some level, that it’s important to take care of themselves so they can do this work for the long haul.

I also talked with someone who is both a therapist and an instructor in a grad program, about how the current status quo basically tells therapists how to work within a third party payer system where they will eat your insides until you have nothing left to give… and then they will spit you out and find someone to replace you. He said he has alums calling him saying they are hating it. That they didn’t think it would be like this.

And that breaks my heart. Because I know I got into this to help people. I remember not thinking much about myself. I just assumed I could make a living doing this, that I wouldn’t get burnt out, that I could do it. But then I learned that I actually had to make conscious choices to make that happen for myself. That is how I came to create Center Institute.

Center Institute has been offering the Group Intensive process to therapists since January 2014, and we have alums around the country who are building practices that not only work for their clients, but also work for them, as people with families, other interests and needs, too.

To join, you can start here by reading about the Group Intensive. Then, I invite you to reach out if you’d like to be a part of the next cohort of therapists to support each other through this process.

Talk soon,

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