Center Institute

Because being a great therapist isn't enough to build an awesome practice.
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Live Q&A about Practice Management/EHR tools

As promised, I am continuing to bring you private practice resources and information; our next Q&A-style webinar is coming up on August 17: How to Choose a Practice Management / EHR Tool.

I know that when I got serious about my private practice, one of the first things I did was finally invest in practice management software. But it took a lot of digging and research to figure out which one was right for my practice. There are a lot of choices out there with a lot of variability in features. And this is something that ALWAYS comes up with the therapists I coach.

Which one?

Do I really need one?

What features do I actually need?

So I’ve partnered with Howard Spector, the Founder and CEO of SimplePractice, to talk about how to choose the right system for you. One of the things I love about Howard is that he believes–and I agree–that therapists need to be informed about what features are out there and they really need to understand their own needs and styles of practice in order to choose the right software. Software that…

  • simplifies rather than complicates the therapist’s workload.
  • allows the therapist to take faster and more thorough notes.
  • reduces no-shows and increases income.

Sound good? Join us on Monday, August 17th for this live, free webinar. You can register to reserve your spot here.

Do you have specific questions about practice management / EHR software? Feel free to use the form below, and we’ll work your questions into the Q&A on the webinar.

Talk soon,

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