Center Institute

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My chat on the SimplePractice blog

Just before I left for vacation, I had a conversation with Natasha Merchant over at SimplePractice. We chatted about what it means to REALLY be your own boss, what private practice is all about for me, how I do it differently, how I help other therapists do what I do, and my favorite perks (I bet you can already guess one!). We also chatted about what I like most about SimplePractice (of course) and where I am going next with my practice.

You can check it out here:  

Simple Practice Evan Center












Stay tuned for next week when I’ll ask you a question someone asked me recently — it really made me think.  Oh, and I am getting back in the saddle again and re-committing to writing. I’ll share a tool for that soon as well!

Talk soon,

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