Center Institute

Because being a great therapist isn't enough to build an awesome practice.
Because being a great therapist
isn't enough to build an awesome practice.
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The “scary” word that doesn’t mean what you think it does

I’ve got another video for you here, but before you watch it, I want to tell you about something: As a business coach that focuses on working with therapists, I am currently working with two individuals who aren’t therapists at all. And in fact, this isn’t my first time doing Solo Intensives with business owners outside our world of therapy.

Even though helping therapists is my passion, I love the energy of mixing it up, of working with someone from a completely different field and helping them with their business too.

Check out today’s video to understand what this means for your therapy practice and how this one thing (which many therapists are actually scared of) doesn’t mean what you fear it does.

I will be expanding on this concept in my free webinar on February 25th. But I will take it much farther than that; I will share my formula that allowed me to untangle myself from the financial shackles of working with insurance. I’ll be talking numbers: how to make them work for you, the life you want, and the care that you want to provide.

You can sign-up here for the webinar.

Talk soon,

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