Center Institute

Because being a great therapist isn't enough to build an awesome practice.
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Webinar tomorrow: Private Practice Formula

I’ve been reviewing my content for tomorrow’s webinar and I am super-excited to get back online with therapists around the country to outline our goals and direction together… and then talk specifically about how to reach those goals.

I’ve had a crazy few weeks – I was sick, my daughter was sick, I had several clients in crisis… and yet I still made it out skiing on President’s Day. Even when my life gets “crazy,” I still have time for myself and my family. Tomorrow, I will share with you the specific formula I’ve used to create the closest thing to balance that I’ve found (because come on, true balance is a mythical creature that never existed). I see clients 3 days per week, take Fridays off completely, and gross five figures every single month, consistently (and, no, that doesn’t include what I earn by coaching other therapists).

If you’re ready to build a practice that supports you in taking care of yourself so you’ve got the energy and presence to make it through those crazy moments where every client seems to be in crisis and the flu rips through your kid’s school, then join me tomorrow on my free webinar: The Private Practice Formula.

Talk tomorrow,

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