Center Institute

Because being a great therapist isn't enough to build an awesome practice.
Because being a great therapist
isn't enough to build an awesome practice.
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For your benefit [video]

I am in Austin today, meeting with other business owners while we workshop our visions for the next year… or three. Part of my vision when I left community mental health, was to work fewer hours and make more money. My daughter was in daycare when I was at work and it felt like zero sum—plus I wanted to spend more time with her.

Now she is in kindergarten and my goals have shifted to just working during school hours AND still having time for yoga, exercise, eating, and errands while she is at school.

Your goals will evolve. Your practice will change and shift as your life does the same. I want you to keep one thing in mind: you are the boss. Yes, we do this work for the benefit of our clients, but most of us also need to make a living…and find ways to take care of ourselves.

Check out this week’s video on what it means to run your practice for the good of your clients AND for your own good.

Talk soon,

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