Center Institute

Because being a great therapist isn't enough to build an awesome practice.
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What my 2017 looks like…


Hello 2017. This year everything changes. This year I will go offline and step into communities. This year I will bring a community of experts to my community of therapists. This year I help established therapists take their practices to the next level.

What does the next level mean? That depends. For me it meant:

  • better fitting clients who I love working with
  • more income generated in fewer hours
  • abundant (paid) vacation time
  • more time with my daughter
  • more yoga and meditation
  • feeling happier about my life and my work
  • feeling in control of my business’s finances
  • decreasing my tax burden
  • saving aggressively for retirement and having a plan to retire
  • cultivating other passions (and making time to pursue them)

What is the next level like for you? How do you plan to make 2017 your best year in private practice?

When I stopped to think about what I love about the work I do and the way I like to connect—I realized that I had to get offline.  I had to step back into the reality of face-to-face getting-to-know sorts of interactions. Though I love the opportunity to connect with therapists from around the country, I crave real-life interaction. As a therapist, I vasty prefer in-person trainings to online trainings… and so I thought about how I could make that happen more in my own life and in the lives of the community of therapists around me.

I look forward to meeting you sometime this year. Reach out and let me know what city you’re nearest so I can keep you updated on my travels!

See you soon,

1 Response

  1. Paul Hornbogen says:

    Evan. I plan to contact you in the near future to use your services in building w part time practice. I am lpc with training in sub abuse aging and holistic health. Been taking care of my mother with dementia. Have tried all the low budget do it yourself stuff not anything results. Just getting back in the workworld and once I have a good financial base will be contacting you. Thans