Center Institute

Because being a great therapist isn't enough to build an awesome practice.
Because being a great therapist
isn't enough to build an awesome practice.
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Why you need to rethink your cancellation policy, and everything else too

I started thinking about this a few years ago when it occurred to me that the standard 24-hour cancellation policy most therapists have has no connection to anything therapeutic OR business-focused. I mean, really, that amount of time is not only arbitrary, but it is not conducive to continuity of sessions, maintaining consistency or momentum […]

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I love this part…

In the last week, I’ve been spending time doing one of the things I love the most: meeting new people who’ve made counseling their life’s work, and talking with them about their practice and–this is what I really love–their dreams for what their practice could be: for their clients, and for themselves (and, at times, […]

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The day BCBS asked for their money back (and other stories of insurance madness)

When the BCBS of Montana sent letters out to just about every therapist in Montana asking them to pay back a large portion of the reimbursements they’d sent between July 2013 and July 2014, it wasn’t a joke. Yes this is 2015, and yes, they were talking about 2013. (Apparently they can go back that […]

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What I learned about therapy by being out-of-network

If you’re not going to be in-network with insurance companies, you are actually going to have to do things differently than the hundreds of other in-network therapists in your area. I know from my own experience that this extra thought and effort is well worth the pay off, but it does take some intention and […]

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Why being in-network is NOT a good idea in Private Practice

I am in the middle of a saga with Blue Cross Blue Shield right now (more about that in a later newsletter; be sure to get it by signing up here) and it made me think about how grateful I am to be in the position I am right now AND about the biggest mistake […]

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